Friday, December 4, 2015

Roberts story

Robert is a funny guy he's always telling jokes. He is around average size his a little dark hair. He's a hard working person with a lot of energy. Robert used to work at a bakery shop at night with another man as well.

One night Robert was working with the other guy they were about to close up around 12. The bakery was on a quiet street so not to much people passed by. As they were ready to leave they saw a group of people in black caring a casket. Then they all gathered around the casket and they were having a funeral at 12. After a while they picked up the casket and continued walking.

Thursday, November 19, 2015


       Long before Sapieus was killed, there was the invasion of the Stingers. The Stingers were trying to take over Aubergine-1. The whole world was sad because Sapieus was Aubergine’s leader.

       Sapieus lead the people with good intentions. He could have been the only one to save the planet. Now it was up to his son Humanus to lead the people and defeat the Stingers. His son learned a lot from his great father, Sapieus.

       It all started when the Stingers came to Aubergine-1. Their plan was to take over the whole planet. However, Sapieus did not allow that to happen. He and his group of Scorpions were in a battle against them. Until one day, one of the Stingers stabbed him in the chest, killing him.

       This impacted the whole world in a lot of ways. There was no more forces to take down the Stingers. So that is when Humanus stepped up and got his own team. Now everyone was depending on him to save the world. After a couple of years of violence and war the Stingers were defeated.

       Thanks to Humanus and his force, the war is now over. Everything has been nice since the war ended. No more killings or violence and everyone was happy. It was like a whole new beginning for the planet Aubergine-1. A lot of people did die during the war against the Stingers. People lost their lives protecting the world. Now the whole world is at peace. That is the world that we live in now.    


Hi, my name is Kevin. I'm a sophomore in California I love working in the summer